The Milligans

The Milligans

Friday, November 7, 2008

Baby it's COLD outside!!

Two days ago we had our first snowstorm of the season here in Utah County. First thing that morning at 8 am I opened the door to show Davey the snow outside. He got so excited and started jumping up and down. He begged to go out and play that second. However, it was barely 8 o'clock, and I am not about to go outside that early. I managed to push it off till 10 o'clock and then we headed out. Brrrrr! I was freezing!! Not to mention the fact that I couldn't find his gloves or his boots. I lasted for about 20 minutes and then I made him come in. He would have stayed out all day.
This is the little playground set we have in our tiny backyard.
I guess all that playing wore him out. I put him in his bed for a nap and when I went to check on him 10 minutes later this is where he wound up. Oh well, I guess kids will sleep anywhere!

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The Jensens said...

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