The Milligans

The Milligans

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Davey & Charlie...

This is Davey's first visit with Charlie right after the delivery. He had a runny nose that day, and so we were a little concerned that he was coming down with a cold. I was so mad! He had been so healthy all winter long, no colds since November, and he decides to come down with it the day we went in to deliver. Oh well, I guess that is how it always happens. He was pretty excited to see his new brother, but really concerned about how wet the baby's eyes were. He said, "Uh-oh, baby brudder needs a tissue!"The next day at the hospital. He really wanted to hold Charlie's hand. He had also reconciled himself to the idea that the baby's name is Charlie, and not Daddy. Although, when Dave told him he needed to pick a name that didn't belong to anyone else in our family he said he wanted to name him "Jesus." I guess his reasoning was that he loves Jesus, and he isn't necessarily a member of our immediate family. I keep waiting to see what he comes us with next.
This was taken the afternoon we came home. We put Charlie in the bouncy chair and Davey just wanted to sit by him the whole time. He also sang "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to him.
The day after we cam home we had to take Charlie in to have his bilirubin tested and sure enough, he had jaundice. They sent over a home health care service to set up some bili-lights for him. This whole process isn't new to us. Davey had to do the same thing, so I didn't freak out like I did the last time. Now we have a tan little baby.
They also included these goggles with the bed, but said they weren't necessary if you used the curtain as shown in the photo above. We did try them on, and they were pretty funny, but hard to keep on, so we decided to skip them. We have been told that we can take him off the lights later this afternoon, so that is good news.
We let Davey hold Charlie for a minute between tanning sessions. Davey is so funny, while he was holding Charlie, the baby messed his diaper and Davey pulled out his hand and goes, "Baby brudder pooped in his undies!" He was done holding him after that.
All in all, things are going pretty well. Charlie has been a good baby so far and Davey loves him and thanks Heavenly Father for him in his prayers. Davey has been a little emotional and has had a hard time minding us which is pretty unusual for him. We are sure it will get better with time. As for myself I am feeling pretty good. Things have been a whole lot easier this time around. I think I am just less stressed having done this before. We will update with more news as it comes along!


The Jensens said...

He is so precious. Davey is so funny. My boys were the same way, in fact Taegan still says funny things about Tason like don't feed baby and he will want to hold him and then he will poop and do the same thing that Davey does. Best of Luck!

melissa and nathan said...

Congratulations! YOur little guy is precious and cute. We just had our 4th. We too had jaundice but had a bili-blanket instead.
Good luck with the upcoming weeks! I am on day #19 and I cannot believe we have made it this far!
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hey, great news! We are looking forward to meeting Davey's newest playmate Charlie at the next family gathering.

js & jjs