We went to Las Vegas for Spring Break and Dave's sister Jeanne got us some free tickets to see Jeff Civillico's "Comedy in Action." He is a juggler and a comedian and he is pretty funny. He starts out by balancing different objects on his head. He asked for a chair from the audience, and took Charlie's chair and balanced it on his chin. Then he joked that he was going to balance the chair with Charlie in it. Well, Charlie thought he was serious, so he just climbed right up on stage! Jeff thought he was pretty funny!
Later, he pulls a kid from the audience to help him spin plates. I guess since he thought Charlie was such a good sport about the chair, he decided to have him come up again. This is the video we got of Charlie spinning plates:
We happen to think he was pretty awesome.
Some other hilarious things he has said lately:
Dave: Charlie will you go get me a Diet Dr. Pepper?
Charlie: Here you go Dad! I brought you two so now you have an instant refill!!
Charlie: Mom, I love you so much!
Me: I love you too, bud.
Charlie: Sometimes, Mom, I think I should love you more!
Charlie: Mom, can I go outside and play?
Me: Not right now, you need to eat lunch first.
Charlie: (in and angry voice) Mom! On care.com it says kids should be cared for AND have fun!
Me: Charlie, that is a website for finding babysitters.
Charlie: Oh, ha ha! I didn't know that!