The Milligans

The Milligans

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Grade!!!

After Davey was born we realized that we had a decision to make.  He turned five last year in late August, just a couple of days before the deadline to enroll in Kindergarten.  Dave and I decided to hold him back so he could be one of the oldest kids in his class rather than the youngest.  This year rolled around and he started Kindergarten a couple of days before he turned six.  About a month in, we realized that maybe holding him back hadn't been the best thing for him.  He was so ready to be reading and be challenged, and kindergarten wasn't moving fast enough for him.  He was getting super bored and thought a lot of the stuff they were doing in class was "dumb." So after discussing things with his teacher and principal, he decided he wanted to try first grade.

So he has been in first grade for about a month and a half now.  He loves the things he is learning and doesn't seem to mind being there all day.  I think he is making friends and hope that he is eating enough at lunch (he is SUCH as picky eater)!  I do miss having him around all day, as does Charlie.  I knew the day would come that he would be gone at school all day, I just wasn't prepared for it to come so soon.  I sure am proud of my smart boy though!

Davey's Sixth Birthday

 Davey had a fun family party for his sixth birthday.  We had everyone over for a barbecue and presents.
He requested a chocolate cake, which I was happy to accomodate!
Dave made sure he showed Davey how they celebrate birthdays in Bolivia...where they shove the birthday boy's face in the cake!  Davey thought this was hilarious!

Then he decided that having cake all over his face was so fun that he might as well try to get it all over his entire body.

When we were living in Utah County we made sure that he was well aware of the fact that we are Aggie fans, and that we never cheered for BYU.  Davey is now a HUGE Aggie fan and even went so far as to tell his primary teacher that "We don't like BYU."  When I saw this BYU shirt at the store, I couldn't resist getting it for him.

I think the thumb says it all!!!
Some of Davey's favorite things at age six are:

-Charlie. He is always thinking of his little brother.  Davey has a chart where he receives points for doing chores and other good things.  He noticed the other day that he had a lot of points while Charlie only had a few.  He came to me, visibly upset and said he wanted to erase some of his points and give them to Charlie.  I tried to tell him I would give Charlie points without him having to erase points of his own, but he insisted.  He is so kind to Charlie and loves him more than anything (except maybe his Dad).
-His Dad.  It is a pretty tight race between his Dad and Charlie.  Dave told Davey that Charlie is his best friend, but that means Davey is his mejor amigo (best friend in Spanish).  Davey always chooses to sit by his Dad at dinner.  He loves to cuddle with him every night before he goes to bed.  Sometimes Dave goes and talks to him at night when he is tucking him in and they have discussions about all kinds of things.  I love seeing the special bond they have.
-His favorite sport is baseball.  He has tried playing all sports and has fun with all of them, but if you ask him which is his favorite, he will always say baseball.  I think he enjoys it because he can be social and visit with his friends while playing.
-He likes cheeseburgers, playing Super Mario Sluggers on the Nintendo Wii (you should see how sweaty he gets from jumping up and down), drawing, science, and superheroes.
-My favorite of Davey's features is his smile.  He has always been a smiley boy, even when he was really little.  He hardly ever looks grumpy and his little grin is contagious.  I can't help but smile every time I look at my smiley boy!