The Milligans

The Milligans

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First day of Pre-school.

We weren't going to put Davey in pre-school until next year. He is so young, he barely turned 3 on August 31st, so I thought maybe he could stand to wait one more year. But, then we moved, and I realized that since we don't really know many people down here, I need to get him into a situation so he could socialize. The wife of one of Dave's co-workers runs a pre-school in Spanish Fork called Creative Care. I took Davey there one day before school started to check things out and I practically had to drag him out of there.
Here he is at our front door right before we left on the first day. I don't know why he looks like this, he is usually pretty excited to do anything. I think he might have been mad at me for rushing him so we could be on time.

Davey loves wearing his backpack and showing it off. Even if it is totally empty he always remembers to take it with him.

Here he is sitting on the bench outside after I picked him up on the first day. He was a lot happier than earlier in the morning.

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