The Milligans

The Milligans

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Mall Santa...

I am usually not a fan of mall Santas. Every time we go to see Santa at the mall, he looks like he has had better days. It is usually some college kid with a really bad beard who is sick and tired of bratty kids sitting on his lap all day. For this reason, I was not going to let Davey see Santa until we went to the Children's Christmas party at the Country Club with my parents in a few weeks. However, last night we were at the Provo Towne Center and we walked by the Santa display and I was impressed by the genuine looking Santa that was there. As you can see, he not only had a real beard, but his suit was pretty nice as well. Better, yet, since it was a Tuesday night and not crowed at all, he took the time to chat with Davey about the gifts he wants and reminded him that he needs to go to bed when we tell him to. We are milking the whole, "Be a good boy, and Santa will bring you presents" line for all it is worth. I think it is working though, because the other night Davey started crying because he knew he had been naughty and was scared Santa wasn't going to come.

1 comment:

monika said...

Oh you make me laugh, Britt! That was hilarious. I know what you mean about the mall Santa, and about naughty 3 year old boys. Wish that line would work on Jack, but he's just naughty 24/7 no matter what!