The Milligans

The Milligans

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary to my Hubby!! has been six wonderful years since Dave and I got hitched. We celebrated our anniversary yesterday. Thanks Dave for being such a great husband. I know our life isn't always blissful, but it sure is a lot of fun. You do a great job of taking care of us and you are the world's best Dad. Of course I would do it all over again!!
In honor of my terrific husband I found this Hubby tag on one of my friend's blogs. I hope she doesn't mind if I steat it, even though she didn't tag me. Thanks Monika!!

1-where did you meet? At Willow Park on the 24th of July 2000. We were both there watching the fireworks. Cheesy, huh?

2-how long did you date before you got married? 2 years. Forever by Mormon standards.

3-how long have you been married? 6 years as of yesterday.

4-what is your favorite feature of his? His smile.

5-what is your favorite quality of his? The way he gets along with people. He is a total people person, and almost everybody likes him.

6-does he have a nickname for you? Gorda. For those of you who speak Spanish, it means "fat girl." I don't know why this is my nickname, he claims I wouldn't answer one day when he was calling my name and finally he yelled Gorda and I did, so it stuck.

7-what is his favorite food? Anything beef.

8-what is his favorite sport? To watch-basketball, specifically, the Jazz. To play-golf.

9-when and where was your first kiss? Only a few days after we met at my apartment. I had just told my roommates earlier that day that good girls didn't kiss right after the first date but he was too irresistable. I guess you can call me a hypocrite.

10-what is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Go golfing, attend sporting events, and anything fun with Davey.

11-do you have kids? Yep, one Davey who is three and stay tuned for more on this question...

12-does he have a hidden talent? Ummm, not sure, he likes to make up impromptu songs while driving.

13-how old is he? 30.

14-who said "I love you" first? Not sure, probably me.

15-what is his favorite type of music? Most rock. He loves Metallica, Bob Marley, Jack Johnson. He mostly just hates country, except for old country, like Johnny Cash.

16-what do you admire the most about him? He hardly ever gets angry, and if he does, he never holds a grudge. I myself can have a temper.

17-do you think he will read this? Eventually.

1 comment:

monika said...

So you're saying there's one on the way, but you don't want to officially say it yet? Sweet! Can't wait for the official announcment there. Of course I don't mind that you did the hubby tag! I loved reading it. And if you'd log on more often and update your blog I will tag you for everything! I'm addicted. I actually thought of you guys yesterday and remembered it was your anniversary (since our nephew was born in the wee hours of the am before your wedding...). Anyway, happy late anniversary! Talk to you soon! Mon