The Milligans

The Milligans

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fun Holiday Memories

Ahhhhh, so I guess I am finally getting around to talking about our Christmas. We had a nice, though somewhat uneventful holiday visiting with our families in good old Cache Valley. Santa found Davey and brought him the building blocks he requested. I think we mainly had fun relaxing, hanging out, and not having to get up early for work, right Dave?
Of course Grandpa had to get Davey this fire truck. It snowed a ton on Christmas Day, so the next morning Davey got all bundled up and went out to help his Daddy clear the driveway. He is always trying to be so helpful.
However, he soon discovered it was more fun to play in the snow than to shovel it. I really enjoyed getting buried in this snowbank.Finally, he ended up wanting to sled. Unfortunately, there wasn't a sled around. But never fear, we made do with a lid to a plastic container instead. I guess when you are three years old your little rear end will fit on just about anything!!
I thought Christmas was so much fun this year. Davey loved Santa, and loved getting presents. He finally understood the whole holiday. However, he is still young enough that he isn't greedy about Christmas either. The first thing he did when we opened his blocks was pass pieces around to each of us because he wanted to share. I just wish he will stay this sweet and kind forever!!!

1 comment:

monika said...

What a nice boy! Jack had made a picture letter to Santa at preschool with all the things he wanted. After opening up all his presents (and getting nearly everything he wanted), he asked, "Where's my Pixos?" Greedy boy! We obviously didn't get him those cause they're for 4+ and apparently a big mess. But I thought it was kind of funny.