The Milligans

The Milligans

Monday, June 1, 2009

Growing Boy!!

It's funny how babies change so quickly. Charlie is 2 1/2 months old now. On one hand it seems like he is growing so fast. On the other hand, it seems like forever since I had a good night's sleep!

He is really starting to play. We got him this bouncer and he loves batting at all the toys on it.
He also loves his little play gym. He can spend almost an hour playing under it until he gets tired. This was also Davey's favorite toy as a baby. As a matter of fact, every now and then Davey still likes to play under it. It is funny how fascinated he is with all the baby toys I have been pulling out. I guess he is just excited for something new!
We have also been getting lots of smiles, especially in the morning. It is hard to get pictures though. I think the flash distracts him and he stops smiling. It sure is fun watching him get all excited.
He is also getting a lot stronger. We took him to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and he is really big for his age in both height and weight. Davey was always really high on the chart as far as height, but he was and still is pretty skinny. Charlie is definitly chubbier than Davey was, although that shouldn't surprise me since he wants to eat all the time!
I can't believe how time goes by so quickly. I start to get impatient for him to get older and start sleeping through the night, but then I have to remind myself to enjoy the age. He is so cuddly and snuggly, I know it won't last forever!

1 comment:

monika said...

He IS growing and changing! ANd you know what? He's got your tan, Britt! Lucky boy. Enjoy the snuggles. Halle is almost done with them now and has entered the "no" phase in response to EVERY question. :)